A-Star Community Foundation would like to hear from you whether you represent an organisation or if you are an inspired individual, to get involved with our campaign to empower and engage the next generation.
If your company is keen to develop innovative corporate citizenship and social responsibility programmes, or you are looking for a partner to deliver sustainable and meaningful community led activity, contact us at info@astarfoundation.com
A-Star Community Foundation is proud to be working alongside the A-Star League (www.astarleague.com) and is thrilled about the opportunity to work with our partners and our ambassadors to build a positive platform for the next generation.
A-Star is looking to expand the Holiday Clubs across the UK and would love for your school to be involved. We are able showcase our programmes at your school where we would feature an A-Star DVD, presentation and interactive coaching performances. This enables young people to learn about us, to become familiar with us, to experience a fun performance and share in the excitement of A-Star coming to their school.
Schools would then be asked to distribute the booking forms to all pupils and we would in turn manage all the administration, bookings and enquiries. The A-Star foundation will hire the facilities from each school and our requirements consist of: an outside area, field, astro or concrete area, an indoor hall and toilet facilities.
We hope to establish a strong relationship with the schools that choose to offer their pupils and parent this great facility and as a result continue to offer holiday clubs every half term, fun days and various A-Star courses to each school.